1- TB 19-21 Hartsdale Assisted Living Facility
Memo in Support and Exhibition
Memo in Support of Application
TB 19-21 Hartsdale Assisted Living - Colored Elevations
TB 19-21 Hartsdale Assisted Living - Cover Letter
TB 19-21 Hartsdale Assisted Living - Electrical Site Plan
TB 19-21 Hartsdale Assisted Living - Environmental Clearance
TB 19-21 Hartsdale Assisted Living - Facility Layout Plan
TB 19-21 Hartsdale Assisted Living - Floor Plans
TB 19-21 Hartsdale Assisted Living - Preliminary Site Plans
TB 19-21 Hartsdale Assisted Living - Site Plan Application Form
TB 19-21 Hartsdale Assisted Living - Special Permit
TB 19-21 Hartsdale Assisted Living - Traffic Impact Study
TB 19-21 Hartsdale Assisted Living - Tree Removal Application
Elmwood Preserve - Response to Scoping Comments
Elmwood Preserve Draft Scope for 7-10-19
Elmwood Preserve Draft Scope for 7-10-19 No Mark-Up
Elmwood Preserve Draft Scoping Document
TB 18-02 Elmwood - PUD Plans
TB 18-02 PUD Applications
TB 18-02 PUD Plans
TB 18-02 Ridgewood - CAC Correspondence
TB 18-02 Ridgewood - Full EAF
TB 18-02 Ridgewood Elmwood PUD Applications
TB 18-02 Ridgewood PUD Zoning Map Amendments
TB 18-02 Ridgewood Site Rendering
TB 18-02 Ridgewood Traffic Study
TB 18-02 Ridgewood-Elmwood Correspondence from Applicant
TB 18-02 Single Family Plan
Town of Greenburgh Ridgewood RFP
February 6, 2019 Planning Board Transcripts
Four Corners Redevelopment Plan dated 5-22-19
Hartsdale Four Corners Study DRAFT 2-22-19
Leonard Jackson Plans
Leonard Jackson Stormwater Study 2008 - Appendix
Leonard Jackson Stormwater Study 2008 - Final Study
TB 18-08 Four Corners Redevelopment Initiative
4 - TB 19-03 - 320 Saw Mill River Road
TB 19-03 - 320 Saw Mill River Road - Project Plans
TB 19-03 0 320 Saw Mill River Road - Application Forms
5 - TB 19-20 Sams Club
TB 19-20 Sams Club Application
Please use the folllowing forms when submitting to Community Development and Conservation.
Abutters Notice - Assessors Office
Affidavit of Mailing for Public Hearing Notices
Appendix B - Short Environmental Assessment Form
Beekeeping Application
Environmental Clearance Form
Full Environmental Assessment form
Hartsdale Contextual Review Committee Application
Historic and Landmark Preservation Information Request Form
Steep Slopes - Planning Board
Steep Slopes Clearance Form - Department of Engineering
Subdivision Regulations
Tree Removal Permit Application
Wetlands Watercourse Clearance Form
Wetland-Watercourse COMPLETION Notification
Wetland-Watercourse MINOR Permit Application
Wetland-Watercourse Permit Application for Planning Board
Wetland-Watercourse Permit COMMENCEMENT
ZBA Application Pkt
The following are active applications before the Town Board and/or the Planning Board. Additional information may be obtained from the Department of Community Development and Conservation.
OB 18-15 - 135 Old Army Road - Tree Report
Odell House CFA Application
PB 14-27 92-96 Russell Street - Applications
PB 14-27 92-96 Russell Street - Architectural Plans
PB 14-27 92-96 Russell Street - Plans
PB 16-02 Old Tarrytown Road Subdivision - Applications submitted April 8, 2016
PB 16-02 Old Tarrytown Road Subdivision Site Plans, dated January 25, 2016
PB 16-04 - 23-25 Warehouse Lane - Application
PB 16-04 - 23-25 Warehouse Lane - Construction Plan
PB 16-04 DJF Real Estate - Existing Conditions Plan
PB 16-04 DJF Real Estate - Site Plan Sheet #4
PB 16-16 - 307 Winding Road Farm West - Application
PB 16-16 - 307 Winding Road Farm West - Cul-de-sac Plan
PB 16-16 - 307 Winding Road Farm West - Plans
PB 16-25 - Van Cott Ave. - Application
PB 16-25 - Van Cott Ave. - Plans
PB 17-06 - Ardsley and Sprain - Planning Board Letter
PB 17-06 - Ardsley and Sprain - Site Slopes
PB 17-06 - Ardsley and Sprain - Subdivision Option 1
PB 17-06 - Ardsley and Sprain - Subdivision Option 2
PB 17-16 - 607 Saw Mill River Rd. - Subdivision, Site Plan, Steep Slope
PB 17-20 - Greystone on Hudson - Application
PB 17-20 - Greystone on Hudson - Plans
PB 17-25 19 Lynwood - Application
PB 17-25 19 Lynwood - Plans
PB 17-36 Old Colony Road Tax Lots 11 & 12 - Conceptual Designs
PB 17-36 Old Colony Road Tax Lots 11 & 12 - Preliminary Plan set
PB 17-36 Zappico Subdivision - Application Materials
PB 17-36 Zappico Subdivision - Project Plans (1-4-19)
PB 17-37 - 16 Montana Place
PB 17-37 - 16 Montana Place - Final Subdivision Plat
PB 17-37 - 16 Montana Place - Full Submission
PB 17-37 - 16 Montana Place - Plans
PB 18-07 - 24 Tarrytown Road - Application
PB 18-07 - 24 Tarrytown Road - Cover Letter
PB 18-07 - 24 Tarrytown Road - Plans
PB 18-08 155 Central Park Avenue North - Application
PB 18-08 155 Central Park Avenue North - Cover letter
PB 18-08 155 Central Park Avenue North - Environmental Assessment Form
PB 18-08 155 Central Park Avenue North - Environmental Clearance Form
PB 18-08 155 Central Park Avenue North - Plans
PB 18-08 155 Central Park Avenue North - Prior Site Plan Approval
PB 18-11 85 Highpoint Road - Application
PB 18-11 85 Highpoint Road - Plans
PB 18-15 - 135 Old Army Rd - Tree Removal and Landscape Plan REVISED
PB 18-15 - 135 Old Army Road - Stormwater & Erosion Control Plan - REVISED
PB 18-15 - 135 Old Army Road - Tree Report
PB 18-15 135 Old Army Road - Application
PB 18-15 135 Old Army Road - Plans
PB 18-15 135 Old Army Road - Survey
PB 18-20 - 223 Endicott Ave. - application
PB 18-20 - 223 Endicott Ave. - EAF
PB 18-20 - 223 Endicott Ave. - plans
PB 18-21 1490 & 1952 Saw Mill River Road - Application
PB 18-21 1490 & 1952 Saw Mill River Road - Plat
PB 18-22 72 Clarendon Rd. - Application
PB 18-22 72 Clarendon Rd. - Plans
PB 18-24 23 N. High St. - Application
PB 18-24 23 N. High St. - Plans
PB 19-01 Deitch - 6 Mohican Lane
PB 19-01 Deitch - 6 Mohican Lane
PB 19-01 Deitch - 6 Mohican Lane
PB 19-01 Deitch - 6 Mohican Lane
PB 19-03 Ardsley Park - 410-460 Saw Mill River Road
PB 19-03 Ardsley Park 0 410-460 Saw Mill River Road
PB 19-04 - 39 Ridge Road - Revised Landscape Plan
PB 19-04 - 39 Ridge Road - Wetland Permit Plans
PB 19-04 MacMillan - 39 Ridge Road
PB 19-05 EDC 7 - 7 Warehouse Lane
PB 19-05 EDC 7 - 7 Warehouse Lane
PB 19-06 Leven - 3 Bayberry Road
PB 19-06 Leven - 3 Bayberry Road
PB 19-07 St. Andrews - 10 Old Jackson Avenue
PB 19-07 St. Andrews Golf Club - 10 Old Jackson Avenue
PB 19-07 St. Andrews Golf Club - 10 Old Jackson Avenue
PB 19-07 St. Andrews Golf Club - 10 Old Jackson Avenue
PB 19-09 Amendola - 10 Saw Mill River Road
PB 19-09 Amendola - 10 Saw Mill River Road
PB 19-12 Taxter Holdings - 570 Taxter Road
PB 19-14 Con Edison - 2235 Saw Mill River Road
PB 19-15 611 West Hartsdale Avenue
PB 19-16 3 Robbin Hill Road - Steep Slope Proposal
PB 19-18 Jee - 109 Highland Road - Wetland/Watercoure Permit
PB 19-18 Jee - 109 Highland Road - Wetland/Watercourse Permit
TB 17-05 - Eastview Distribution Chamber Water Transmission Line - Introduction Letter
TB 17-05 - Eastview Distribution Chamber Water Transmission Line - Plans
TB 17-08/PB 17-16 - 607 Saw Mill River Road - Amended Site Plan
TB 17-08/PB 17-16 - 607 Saw Mill River Road - Application
TB 17-08/PB 17-16 - 607 Saw Mill River Road - Final Subdivision Plat
TB 17-08/PB 17-16 - 607 Saw Mill River Road - Landscape Plan Lot A
TB 17-08/PB 17-16 - 607 Saw Mill River Road - Landscape Plan Lot B
TB 17-08/PB 17-16 - 607 Saw Mill River Road - Plans
TB 17-11 Arcadis Transmission Line - Environmental Assessment form
TB 17-11 Arcadis Transmission Line - SEQRA Attachments
TB 17-17 90 Fairview Park Drive - Petition
TB 17-17 90 Fairview Park Drive - SEQRA
TB 17-17 90 Fairview Park Drive - Site Plan
TB 18-02 - 850 Dobbs Ferry Road - PUD Application
TB 18-02 - 850 Dobbs Ferry Road - PUD Plans
TB 18-02 - 850 Dobbs Ferry Road - Single Family Plan
TB 18-17/PB 18-18 - Westchester Hills Cemetary - Application
TB 18-17/PB 18-18 - Westchester Hills Cemetary - Plans
TB 18-20/PB 18-16 - Crossroads Shopping Center - Application
TB 18-20/PB 18-16 - Crossroads Shopping Center - Plans
TB 18-22/PB 18-17 500 W. Hartsdale Ave. - Application
TB 18-22/PB 18-17 500 W. Hartsdale Ave. - Plans
TB 18-23 - Chipping Blasting - Draft Local Law
TB 18-24 OB District - Hotel Accessory Use - Appendix to PB Report
TB 18-24 OB District - Hotel Accessory Use - Draft Local Law
TB 18-24 OB District - Hotel Accessory Use - PB Recommendation
TB 18-24 OB District - Hotel Accessory Use - PB Report
TB 19-02 Greystone on Hudson - Carriage Trail
TB 19-03 320 Saw Mill River Road
TB 19-03 320 Saw Mill River Road
TB 19-04 Chapter 285 - OB District
TB 19-05 Ardsley Park - 410-460 Saw Mill River Road
TB 19-05 Ardsley Park - 410-460 Saw Mill River Road
TB 19-07 Old Tarrytown Road Sidewalk Implementation
TB 19-08 Brightview-Metropolis Zoning Text Amendment
TB 19-08 Brightview-Metropolis Zoning Text Amendment
TB 19-09 Chapter 285 - Shared Parking Definition
TB 19-10 Mount Hope Cemetery
TB 19-10 Mount Hope Cemetery
TB 19-10 Mount Hope Cemetery
TB 19-11 Electronic Nicotine Discharge Systems
TB 19-13 Telecommunications Local Law Update
TB 19-19 Assisted Living Facility Zoning Text Amendment
TB 19-19 Assisted Living Facility Zoning Text Amendment
TB 19-19 Assisted Living Facility Zoning Text Amendment
TB 19-19 Assisted Living Facility Zoning Text Amendment
TB 19-19 Assisted Living Facility Zoning Text Amendment
TB 19-19 Assisted Living Facility Zoning Text Amendment
TB 19-19 Assited Living Facility Zoning Text Amendment
TB 19-20 Sam's Club - 333 Saw Mill River Road - Zoning Text Amendment
TB 19-20 Sam's Club - 333 Saw Mill River Road - Zoning Text Amendment
TB 19-20 Sam's Club - 333 Saw Mill River Road - Zoning Text Amendment
West Hartsdale Ave - Maplewood Assisted Living Powerpoint 11-13-18
Comprehensive Plan
Adopted Comprehensive Plan
Grass Recycling Information
This informational brochure put together by the NYSDEC provides useful information including: (1) Lawn Care Waste Reduction Tips; (2) Why you should leave grass clippings on the lawn, including a "How to"; (4) Common Questions; (5) Other Useful Lawn Information; and, (6) Information on Composting Yard Debris.
The Westchester County Cornell Cooperative Extension Office can be reached at 914-285-4640.
NYSDEC Leave it on the Lawn Website
Leave it on the Lawn - Grass Recycling
Greening Greenburgh
Composting 101 Learn about how composting works, what to use and
why you should start composting!
Cornell Cooperative Extension - Westchester County A link to the Westchester County Cornell
Cooperative Extension's website.
DEC: Home Composting and Reducing Wasted Food The DEC's introduction to composting, why you
should do it and how you can do it!
Department of Energy Tips on Saving Money and Energy Tips on saving money and energy at home.
EPA: Green Infrastructure A link to the EPA's Green Infrastructure website.
EPA: Sustainability Learn about what sustainability is and how you can
lead a greener life.
EPA: Water A link to the EPA's website regarding water
Green Infrastructure for Homeowners How stormwater runoff and pollution affects you
and, what you can do about it.
How to Go Green at Home Easy ways to go green in your own home.
How to Reduce Energy Consumption at Home 101 ways to reduce energy consumption at home.
Learning About Renewable Energy Resources for learning about renewable energy.
NYSERDA Find out about what New York is doing with clean
Solarize Westchester Solarize Westchester is an initiative funded by
the New York State Energy Research and
Development Authority (NYSERDA) through NY-Sun,
a dynamic public-private partnership that is
driving growth of the solar industry and making
solar technology more affordable for all New
The Department of Energy: Solar Learn about Solar Energy!
The Economic Benefits of Green Infrastructure - A Case Study of Lancaster, PA Stormwater runoff is a major cause of water
pollution in urban areas. The EPA is committed
to promoting green infrastructure throughout
the country. The following PDF is a northeast
case study of the benefits of green
Thirty Ways to get Sustainable - At Home Thirty ways you can be sustainable at home! These
are simple, easy and can save you money!
U.S. Energy Information Administration EIA's Energy Kids website to learn about Solar!
What Can I Recycle? According to the EPA, approximately 75% of the
trash Americans throw away each week is
recyclable. Find out what can and can't be
The Climate Action Plan for the Town of Greenburgh (2009) Greenburgh’s Climate Action Task Force’s
recommendations on addressing climate strategies
and sustainable development within the Town's
municipal operations.
The Greening of Greenburgh 1973 to 2003
Historic & Landmark Preservation
Reconnaissance-Level Historic Resource Study 2006 1 of 3
Reconnaissance-Level Historic Resource Study 2006 2 of 3
Reconnaissance-Level Historic Resource Study 2006 3 of 3
Mid-Hudson Regional Sustainability Plan
Executive Summary MHRSP
Mid-Hudson Regional Sustainability Plan (Baseline Assessment)
Mid-Hudson Sustainability Plan Final The Mid-Hudson Regional Sustainability Plan (the Plan) was developed as part of NYSERDA’s Cleaner, Greener Communities program, intended to empower the ten regions of New York State (NYS) to take charge of sustainable development in their communities by identifying and funding smart growth practices. The program provides a vehicle for planning teams throughout NYS to partner with public and private experts across a wide range of fields, along with community residents, to encourage discussion and lead the development of regional sustainability plans.
The resulting Plan sets out a vision for sustainable development that builds on the Region’s unique social, cultural, and natural history, with the goal of promoting economic development, environmental sustainability, and enhancing quality of life for the more than two million residents that call the Region home. Five deeply interconnected building blocks for sustainable development are present in the Region: the diverse natural environment, a vibrant economy, strong transportation accessibility and connectivity, numerous existing centers, and an exceptional quality of life.
Planning Board
2019 Planning Board Meeting Dates
The following applications have been approved by the Town of Greenburgh Planning Board. Additional information is available through the Department of Community Development and Conservation.
PB 18-16 Crossroads Joint Venture - Tarrytown Road
PB 18-17 500 W. Hartsdale - Steep Slope Permit
PB 18-18 Westchester Hill Cemetery - 400 Saw Mill River Road
PB 18-23 Coletti - 12 Winnetou Road
PB 19-02 Metropolis Country Club - 289 Dobbs Ferry Road
PB 19-08 9Round - 417 Central Parke Ave.
TB 18-22 Maria Regina - 500 W. Hartsdale Avenue
TB 18-24 OB District Hotel Accessory Use Local Law
TB 18-24 OB District Hotel Accessory Use Local Law
Request for Proposal
Town of Greenburgh Ridgewood RFP
Stormwater Discharge - MS4 Report and MCC Form
In accordance with the NYSDEC requirements, the Town of Greenburgh prepared and filed the Notice of Intent (NOI) with the NYSDEC on March 5, 2003, to be covered under the Phase II SPDES General Permit GP-02-02 available through the NYSDEC. The Town prepared an initial Storm Water Management Program (SWMP), with an aim to set measurable goals that the Town has to implement and enforce in order to comply with the permit requirements. It describes various actions that the Town proposes to undertake over a period of five years starting from 2003, to protect the Town's storm water quality and reduce pollutants, until the full implementation of the SWMP (not later than January 8, 2008).
In order to document progress towards achieving the measurable goals identified in the SWMP, the Town evaluates its program and submits an annual report with the results to the NYSDEC.
Recently the Town of Greenburgh prepared the Storm Water Management Program Annual Report for the period March 10, 2016 to March 9, 2017, that was posted on the Town website for public review and input. The report illustrates the progress made by the Town towards the Notice of Intent and the Storm Water Management Program (SWMP) submitted by the Town to the NYSDEC in 2003.
Storm Water Contact Person:
Aaron Schmidt
Deputy Commissioner
Community Development and Conservation
Town of Greenburgh
To report illicit discharges into the storm sewer system, e-mail:
Relevant Websites for further information on these and other topics to prevent Pollution of Rivers, Streams and Water Bodies:
United States Environmental Protection Agency
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Draft 2019 MS4 Report and MCC Form This is the Town of Greenburgh's Draft 2018-2019 MS4 Annual Report, which will be submitted to the NYSDEC.
Please provide any comments you have on this draft to Aaron Schmidt, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Community Development and Conservation, at aschmidt@greenburghny.com. Thank you.
MS4 Annual Report and MCC Form - 2012 This is the finalized report sent to the NYS DEC.
MS4 Annual Report and MCC Form - 2013 This is the finalized report sent to the NYS DEC.
MS4 Annual Report and MCC Form - 2014
MS4 Annual Report and MCC Form - 2015
MS4 Annual Report and MCC Form - 2016
MS4 Annual Report and MCC Form - 2017 This is the finalized report sent to the NYS DEC.
MS4 Annual Report and MCC Form - 2018 This is a copy of the finalized report sent to the NYS DEC.
MS4 Annual Report and MCC Form - 2006 This is the finalized report sent to the NYS DEC.
MS4 Annual Report and MCC Form - 2007 This is the finalized report sent to the NYS DEC.
MS4 Annual Report and MCC Form - 2008 This is the finalized report sent to the NYS DEC.
MS4 Annual Report and MCC Form - 2009 This is the finalized report sent to the NYS DEC.
MS4 Annual Report and MCC Form - 2010 This is the finalized report sent to the NYS DEC.
MS4 Annual Report and MCC Form - 2011 This is the finalized report sent to the NYS DEC.
Stormwater Management
Town Hall Stormwater Retrofit Tour Flyer (May 29, 2015) In an effort to further educate residents, students and contracting professionals on stormwater runoff issues and low-impact management practices, the Town of Greenburgh Bureau of Engineering in conjunction with the Department of Community Development and Conservation present a guided tour by a knowledgeable, Licensed Professional Engineer or Certified Arborist. The guided tour will include information on: (1)The low-impact stormwater management design and practices implemented at the Town Hall, (2) The benefits of each low-impact stormwater management practice to the environment, and (3) Alternative low-impact stormwater management practices that can be implemented in future projects. When: Friday, May 29, 2015 Meeting Location: Greenburgh Town Hall Front Desk Meeting Time: 9:15 A.M.
Arbor Day Foundation Poster - Trees Tame Stormwater
Construction Site Operator's Guide Information for Construction Site Operators, on how to obtain Stormwater Permit Coverage.
FISRWG - Stream Corridor Restoration The Federal Interagency Stream Restoration Working Group. Stream Corridor Restoration: Principles, Processes, and Practices. 1998, last updated 2001.
This document is a result of an unprecedented cooperative effort among fifteen Federal agencies and partners to produce a common reference on stream corridor restoration. It responds to a growing national and international public interest in restoring stream corridors. Increasingly, feature articles, case
studies, and published papers focus on stream corridors as critical ecosystems in our living environment. The recent 25th anniversary of the Clean Water Act also has helped focus
attention on stream corridor restoration.
This document encapsulates the rapidly expanding body of knowledge related to stream corridors and their restoration. It makes no endorsement of one particular approach to restoration over another; nor is it intended as a policy document of any participating Federal agency. It includes the full range of possibilities facing restoration practitioners, including no action or passive approaches, partial intervention for assisted recovery, and substantial intervention for managed recovery.
NYSDEC - Keep Water Clean New York has 70,000 miles of rivers and streams, 4,000 lakes and ponds, 2.4 million acres of wetlands and extensive aquifers. These abundant resources need your protection to remain clean. Human activities leave behind materials like pesticides, pet waste, trash and even loose soil that can wash into our waters and pollute them. Even where you don't see a stream or lake, streets, roadside ditches and underground storm sewers carry polluted runoff into the closest waterbody. The good news is that your positive actions can do much to protect New York's waters.
NYSDEC Construction Stormwater Permit Fact Sheet (PDF) - January 2010 This document describes how GP-0-10-001 differs from the preceding general permit, including enhanced pollution reduction requirements in specified watersheds.
The Homeowner's Guide to Stormater
Town Hall Stormwater Retrofit Tour Flyer (February 27, 2015) In an effort to further educate residents, students and contracting professionals on stormwater runoff issues and low-impact management practices, the Town of Greenburgh Bureau of Engineering in conjunction with the Department of Community Development and Conservation present a guided tour by a knowledgeable, Licensed Professional Engineer or Certified Arborist. The guided tour will include information on: (1)The low-impact stormwater management design and practices implemented at the Town Hall, (2) The benefits of each low-impact stormwater management practice to the environment, and (3) Alternative low-impact stormwater management practices that can be implemented in future projects.
When: Friday, February 27, 2015
Meeting Location: Greenburgh Town Hall Front Desk
Meeting Time: 2 P.M.
Town Hall Stormwater Retrofit Tour Flyer (January 23, 2015) In an effort to further educate residents, students and contracting professionals on stormwater runoff issues and low-impact management practices, the Town of Greenburgh Bureau of Engineering in conjunction with the Department of Community Development and Conservation present a guided tour by a knowledgeable, Licensed Professional Engineer or Certified Arborist. The guided tour will include information on: (1)The low-impact stormwater management design and practices implemented at the Town Hall, (2) The benefits of each low-impact stormwater management practice to the environment, and (3) Alternative low-impact stormwater management practices that can be implemented in future projects.
When: Friday, January 23, 2015
Meeting Location: Greenburgh Town Hall Front Desk
Meeting Time: 2 P.M.
USEPA - Managing Wet Weather with Green Infrastructure This is a powerpoint presentation developed by Nancy Arazan, ORISE Fellow, EPA Water Permits Division.
USEPA - Stormwater to Street Trees This guide, prepared by the USEPA, is intended to help engineers, planners, developers, architects, arborists, and public officials understand how trees perform and interact in a stormwater management system, and the new technologies that are being used to increase the stormwater utility function of the urban forest, even in the densest urban environments.
USEPA: National Management Measures to Control Nonpoint Source Pollution from Urban Areas Publication Number EPA 841-B-05-004, November 2005
This document provides guidance which helps citizens and municipalities in urban areas protect bodies of water from polluted runoff that can result from everyday activities. These scientifically sound techniques are the best practices known today.
Westchester Cty. SWM Planning Manual The intent of the Westchester County Stormwater Management Planning Manual is to provide a planning framework for municipalities with which to manage stormwater on a watershed basis. In this way, stormwater management planning will occur within the parameters that hydrology and watersheds impose. By developing a watershed-wide planning approach, it will become easier to develop land use plans and zoning ordinances that encourage proper stormwater management, and that protect the natural hydrologic cycle and stream habitat from being degraded by improper development.
What is an illicit discharge? What is an “Illicit Discharge”?
Federal regulations define an illicit discharge as “....any discharge to an MS4 that is not composed entirely of
stormwater....” with some exceptions. These exceptions include discharges from NPDES-permitted industrial
sources and discharges from fire-fighting activities. Illicit discharges are considered “illicit” because MS4s are
not designed to accept, process, or discharge such non-stormwater wastes.
Sources of illicit discharges include: sanitary wastewater, effluent from septic tanks, car wash wastewaters,
improper oil disposal, radiator flushing disposal, laundry wastewaters, spills from roadway accidents, and
improper disposal of auto and household toxics.
To report illicit discharges into the storm sewer system, please e-mail: planzone@greenburghny.com
What is Green Infrastructure? This is an article by Scott Cullen, Consulting Arborist, examining the various meanings of the term "green infrastructure".
What is Stormwater? Stormwater is rainwater and melted snow that runs off streets, lawns, and other sites. When stormwater is absorbed into the ground, it is filtered and ultimately replenishes aquifers or flows into streams and rivers.
In developed areas, however, impervious surfaces such as pavement and roofs prevent precipitation from naturally soaking into the ground. Instead, the water runs rapidly into storm drains, sewer systems, and drainage ditches and can cause:
Downstream flooding
Stream bank erosion
Increased turbidity (muddiness created by stirred up sediment) from erosion
Habitat destruction
Changes in the stream flow hydrograph (a graph that displays the flow rate of a stream over a period of time)
Combined sewer overflows
Infrastructure damage
Contaminated streams, rivers, and coastal water
Blue Cities Guide (Charles River Watershed Association) With 80% of the United States population now living in cities, urban environmental challenges – air quality, energy consumption, transportation
needs – are widely recognized. This Guide focuses on a less publicized issue that is likely to prove the most critical of all: water resource failure, and what can be done about it.
Green Infrastructure for Stormwater Management Article (Portland, OR)
Information on rain gardens
New York State Household Detergent and Nutrient Runoff Law The Household Detergent and Nutrient Runoff Law (Chapter 205 of the laws of 2010), was signed into law by the Governor on July 15, 2010. This law will improve water quality in New York by reducing phosphorus runoff into the State's waterbodies. It will also reduce costs to local governments and private entities required to remove excess phosphorus from stormwater and wastewater, and will expand recreational uses of the state's waters.
New York State's law will not impact adopted local laws, including laws adopted in Westchester, Nassau, Suffolk and Chautauqua Counties and the Village of Greenwood Lake.
NYS Thruway Authority Brochure - When it rains it drains - After the storm
NYS Thruway Authority Brochure - When it rains it drains - What you can do to help
NYSDEC - Information on Stormwater
Penn State Univ. - College of Agricultural Sciences - Water Conservation for Communities (2010)
Public Notice of availability of 2009-2010 MS4 Phase II Annual Report and Program Plan
Stormwater Management Article Stormwater Pollution: What is the problem?
Stormwater Management Fact Sheet - Grass Channel (stormwatercenter.net)
Stormwater Management Website Link StormwaterTools is brought to you by the Saw Mill River Coalition
This site will serve as a virtual toolbox of ideas, techniques and real world examples to help you plan, design, implement and maintain simple LID/Better Site Design stormwater management practices for the home or local municipality.
Stormwater Managment Fact Sheet - Vegetated Buffer Vegetated buffers are areas of either natural or established vegetation that are maintained to protect the water quality of neighboring areas. Buffers slow storm water runoff, thereby helping to prevent soil erosion; provide an area for the runoff to permeate the soil; contribute to ground water recharge; and filter sediment and nutrients. They also have long-term environmental and social values, such as: reserving space for trails and greenways; reducing impervious area; preserving wildlife habitat and corridors for wildlife migration; and preventing warming of water resources by shading such areas. Vegetated buffers can be used in any area able to support vegetation. They are most effective and beneficial on floodplains, near wetlands, along streambanks, and on unstable slopes.
Sustainable Site Development - Stormwater Practices - City of Portland
Top Ten Internet Resources for Low Impact Development
USEPA - Clean Water State Revolving Fund - Factsheet
USEPA - Make Your Home The Solution to Stormwater Pollution
USEPA - Municipal Guide to Low Impact Development
USEPA - NPDES - Stormwater & the Construction Industry Brochure - Maintain your BMP's
USEPA - NPDES - Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activities Brochure
USEPA - Protecting Water Quality from Urban Runoff
USEPA - Stormwater Pollution Found in Your Area - Doorhanger
USEPA - Stormwater Runoff Challenge placemat
USEPA - Sustainable Communities - Putting Wetlands to Work in Your Watershed
USEPA - Water-Efficient Landscaping
USEPA Brochure - Clean Water - Everybody's Business - 10 things you can do to prevent Stormwater runoff pollution
Westchester County - FAQ's on Imperviousness
Westchester County - FAQ's on Stormwater Runoff
Westchester County Brochure - Step by Step Guide to Cleaner Water
Town Maps
Town Hall Location
Town of Greenburgh Tree Technical Manual
Here is the second draft of the Town of Greenburgh’s Tree Technical Manual as well as draft versions of the Town's Official Replacement Planting List and the Tree Unit Minimum Standard Requirement Table.
Please submit any comments you may have into the department by Friday, July 23, 2010. This is a strict deadline as we will need time to review the comments, make any necessary modifications to the document, and issue the finalized document to the Town Board for consideration.
We strongly encourage everyone to submit their comments by email to aschmidt@greenburghny.com as this will simplify the review process.
If you have any questions or have problems viewing the document, please contact the main office extension at 914-993-1505.
Town of Greenburgh Replacement Planting List - DRAFT This is the Town of Greenburgh's Official Replacement Planting List. When selecting trees, shurbs or groundcover to be planted on your property, make your selections from this list.
If you propose to install landscaping as part of a required Landscape Plan that varies from this list, you must secure approval from the Approval Authority.
Tree Technical Manual - 2nd draft Here is the second draft of the Town of Greenburgh’s Tree Technical Manual. Please submit any comments you may have into the department by Friday, July 23, 2010. This is a strict deadline as we will need time to review the comments, make any necessary modifications to the document, and issue the finalized document to the Town Board for consideration. We strongly encourage everyone to submit their comments by email to aschmidt@greenburghny.com as this will simplify the review process. If you have any questions or have problems viewing the document, please contact the main office extension at 914-993-1505.
Tree Unit Minimum Standard Requirement Table - DRAFT The first table represents the tree unit minimum standard requirement for properties within the Town of Greenburgh.
The second table outlines the number of units a given tree (either an existing tree, or a new tree to be planted) represents. Utilize this table to determine if your property meets or exceeds the required minimum standard.
Tree Planting, Preservation, Removal &General Info
Article on ISA Website - Tips for Avoiding Tree Damage During Home Construction This article was published by the International Society of Arboriculture. It provides homeowners with advice from Arborists on how best to avoid Tree Damage during home construction.
Japanese Knotweed - Invasive Species - Control Worksheet
New York Invasive Species Clearinghouse Welcome to NYIS.INFO, the website of the New York Invasive Species Clearinghouse and the Cornell Cooperative Extension Invasive Species Education Program (CCE ISP). NYIS.INFO is your gateway to science-based information, breaking news, and new and innovative tools for coping with biological invaders in New York. NYIS.INFO links scientists, local, state and federal resource manages, policy setters, educators, and grassroots efforts to help you become part of the battle against invasive species in New York.
The Right Tree For The Right Place Bulletin - National Arbor Day Foundation
Tree Care Industry Article on Tree Risk Management This article was published in the March 2012 edition of the Tree Care Industry Magazine. It is entitled, "Getting to know ANSI A300 Part 9: Tree Risk Assessment. This new standard was approved in 2011 and is very informative, for both professionals and property owners.
Tree Talk: Hold the Salt, Please! - Article in White Plains Patch 1/11/13 In this article, Ken Almstead, CEO of Almstead Tree, Shrub & Lawn Care explains the negative effects salt has on landscape plants and turf.
USDA Forest Service - Trees Pay Us Back Research from the USDA Forest Service Center for Urban Forest research shows that...IT PAYS TO CARE FOR TREES. Click the link for more info...
A New Way to Plant Urban Trees
Caring for your evergreen tree during the holidays and beyond
City of Palo Alto, CA News Release - The Social Benefits of Trees
Don't Top Trees! Bulletin - National ArborDay Foundation
Emerald Ash Borer: Recommendations for Homeowner and Woodland Owner Action
Right Tree, Right Place: Small Tree Planting Demonstration Program - Greenburgh Town Library - May 14, 2010 - Powerpoint This is a powerpoint I have put together which provides photographs and links to information regarding the 12 trees which were planted at the Greenburgh Library site as part of this program. Please feel free to email Aaron Schmidt, Town Forestry Officer, at aschmidt@greenburghny.com with any questions or comments.
Tree Information - Cornus florida var. rubra - Pink Flowering Dogwood
Tree information - Syringa reticulata 'Ivory Silk' - Ivory Silk Lilac
Trees In Greenburgh This is an informational presentation given on May 9, 2012 to the Town Board, by Aaron Schmidt, the Town's Forestry Officer, who is an ISA Certified Arborist. The presentation covers the different types of hazardous conditions in trees and also touches on ways to best care for ones trees.
Westchester County's Most Invasive Plants Brochure
Zoning Map
August 1987 Zoning Map
Town of Greenburgh Zoning Map - Revised November 14, 2018
Zoning Map, revised March 28, 2018