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Supervisors Goals 2001
Release Date: December 09, 2002


Greenburgh Town Supervisor Paul Feiner places $5000 in an escrow
account. The Supervisor announces his goals at the first Town Board
meeting in January. At the end of the year the Town Council evaluates
his performance and decides how much of his salary should be
returned--based on implementation of the stated goals. 

Town Supervisor Paul Feiner to return $839 to the taxpayers. 83.21% of goals announced at the beginning of the year were achieved. $4,161 of the $5000 that the Supervisor voluntarily put into an escrow account will be returned to the Supervisor.


The following are
Supervisor Feiner's 200l goals":

1.100% COMPLETE! Commission a thorough management study of the Department of Public 
Works (DPW) by an outside independent evaluator to identify administrative 
changes needed to prevent reoccurrence of causes of the "trash-for-cash" 
investigation. DPW will be
the first department to be reviewed. There will be management reviews of
different departments every year. - Town Board hired Spector Management on 2/28 to conduct management audit of 
Department of Public Works. Also retained services of Michael Cahill as 
Special Labor Counsel to review information in police investigation

2. 100% complete Completed goal re: training DPW employees regarding
Greenburgh Town Code. This will be an ongoing activity. Implemented some
of the recommendations based on verbal comments from DPW management
consultant. Just received draft report. Upon receipt of the DPW management study, review and initiate needed 
administrative changes to ensure Town Code sanitation provisions are properly 
enforced. Train DPW employees regarding the Greenburgh Town Code, as it related 
to permissible versus impermissible refuse collections.

3. 100% COMPLETE! Increase the use of "mystery shopper audits" throughout all divisions in the recreation department to make sure that procedures are followed re: collection of user fees.
4. 100% COMPLETE! Establish rules concerning outside employment that employees may 
engage in. Analyze potential areas of conflict. Received January l8 memo from Building Inspector relating to building
department employment regulations (on file) and a January l9 200l fax
from police chief relating to off duty employment of members of police
department (on file), public works department on file.

5. 100% COMPLETE! Initiate review of police department by NYS Department of Criminal 
Justice Services. The state provides this service at no cost. - The town was notified in October by the NY State Department of
Criminal Justice services that our request for a free audit of the
Town's police department has been granted. We hope that the audit will
be complete in 2002. The police chief signed a letter of intent with the
state to participate in the program.

6. 100% COMPLETE! Develop and set target objectives for the East Hartsdale Avenue.
commercial revitalization; consider rezoning alternatives; and consider 
creation of a Business Improvement District (BID), with the merchants' 
approval. - Town Board APPROVED a new Hartsdale Center district rezone on
September 25th. The new district will enable a fitness center and
animal hospital to apply for a special permit. And, a new Hartsdale
Contextual Review Committee has been formed to make recommendations on
exterior alternations. Recommendations shall be guided by the Hartsdale
Village Streetscape Study that was prepared in July l998 and the
Hartsdale Design Guidelines prepared in August 200l
7.100% COMPLETE! Develop redesign plan for Desanti Plaza. -community requested that redesign plan be tabled. Had developed
a proposal for the plaza which was presented to the community.
8.100% COMPLETE! Obtain clock for East Hartsdale Avenue; select installation location; 
extend needed electrical service; install and make clock fully operational. - clock installed on June 26th.
9. 100% COMPLETE! Place additional artwork in stores that are vacant on East Hartsdale 
Avenue and encourage landlords to provide rent free short term space by non profits. - Artwork being placed in the former bank on E Hartsdale Ave, toystore,
town cable TV studio
10. NOT COMPLETE. 0% Contract with organizations or individuals to oversee student-run 
entrepreneurial program on East Hartsdale Avenue, then open storefront and 
initiate program.

11. 100% COMPLETE! We developed timetables/benchmarks. Proposed comprehensive plan
currently being reviewed by planners and going through review process by
Develop benchmarks/timetables for review of the Comprehensive Plan 
and shepherd the plan through its review by various boards and interested 
civic associations to ensure the plan does not languish.
12.100% COMPLETE! Craft, forward to the Planning Board for review and recommendation, 
and adopt a short-term moratorium on development that would adversely affect 
the recommendations/goals of the Comprehensive Plan. - Town Board approved l20 day moratorium on development 2/28
13. NOT COMPLETE 0% Inventory and prioritize the modifications and updates needed to the 
town's Zoning Ordinance.
14. 100% COMPLETE!Revise existing site plan/subdivision application packet, including 
an approval flow chart. - we have revised the packet. However, the Town Attorney's office has
recommended against having an approval flow chart.
15.100% COMPLETE! Craft, forward to the Planning Board for review and recommendation, 
and adopt a short-term moratorium that restricts development on lots/parcels 
with steep-slopes. - Town Board approved l20 day moratorium on development 2/28
16. 0% NOT COMPLETE! Craft, forward to the Planning Board for review and recommendation, 
and adopt a zoning ordinance amendment that restricts development on 
lots/parcels with steep slopes. - Town Board approved l20 day moratorium on development 2/28
17.100% COMPLETE! Improve coordination of planning issues; provide increased 
opportunity for involvement by community groups. - Have been meeting with Irvington, Tarrytown, Irvington school district. 
Invited them to participate in Joint Planning Board over proposed golf 
course. Professor Nolan of Pace University School of Law working with us on 
establishing Joint Planning Board - worked with Tarrytown on TZ bridge. Worked with Secor Park
Civic Association re: monitoring Solomon Schecter. Worked with
neighborhood groups re: acquiring Glenville Woods, pursuing unification
church property as open space and rezoning E Hartsdale Ave

18. 85% COMPLETE! Bring Greenburgh-Irvington Catskill Pump station on-line. - March 2002 is projected completion. Project first authorized in
19.100% COMPLETE! Dedicate DPW Garage. dedication ceremony May 22 2 PM
20. 50% COMPLETE! Complete Knollwood Pump Station upgrade. - to be completed in March 2002
21.100% COMPLETE! Initiate capital-funded town-wide sidewalk rehabilitation program. Sidewalk rehabilitation program included in 200l capital budget
22. 100% COMPLETE! Complete design phase and initiate construction of the entranceway at 
Police Headquarters. - We completed the design phase - parking lot and path complete
23.100% COMPLETE! Expand roadside tree-cutting program for removal of dead trees and 
branches. - Town is aggressively removing additional trees that are in danger of 
falling down. complete

24.100% COMPLETE! Conduct composting demonstration/program activities at Harts Brook 
Nature Preserve. Composting demonstration program --lst weekend in May. Nature
Center working on permanent program
25. 50% Complete  Build skateboard area at East Rumbrook Park. - Town Board awarded bid to Ramptech Incorporated for $5l,677 at July l8th
Town Board meeting for skatepark equipment. - all equipment on site.

26. 100% COMPLETE! Design the plans for the recreation facility improvements at the 
Virginia Road School and present to the Town Board by the end of the year.
27. 90% COMPLETE! Install a new playground and lighting fixtures for the basketball 
court at Massaro Park. - Playground completed - lighting fixtures were not installed. Bids over
budget. However, most of this goal was installation of playground
28. 100% COMPLETE! Complete parking lot and landscape improvements around the AFV 
Administration Building. - completion date: early June
29. 90% COMPLETE! Improve security measures at AFV, East Rumbrook, and Travis Hill 
parks. - new company hired. gates to be placed at Veteran park. E Rumbrook to
also get a gate system in place when pump station complete. 2 community
meetings held with residents who reside near Travis Park. More
monitoring by police. - Security Service began May l9 thru September ll. Entrance driveway
gate installed. Travis Hill parking lot gate fixed.
30. 60% COMPLETE! Renovate the nutrition kitchen, including the purchase and 
installation of equipment funded by the CDBG. - estimated project completion November 30th. Construction to begin
in mid September - under construction. anticipated completion in February
31. 100% COMPLETE! Improve the conditions at the hand/paddleball court at AFV Park. - COMPLETE

32. 100% COMPLETE! Initiate aggressive lobbying effort to persuade state to reimburse 
localities for loss of tax revenue when group homes are placed in communities.--Greenburgh, Tuckahoe, North Salem, Lewisboro approved resolutions
calling on state to reimburse localities. Ardsley has placed resolution
on agenda 2/20 - 
Ardsley School Board, Pt Chester Village Board approves resolutions -Hartsdale Fire District, Village of Mamaroneck, Town of Mt. Pleasant approved resolutions re:
group home tax relief
33. 100% COMPLETE! Oversee auction of town properties. Make sure it is publicized 
adequately. - only two properties out of 352 left to be auctioned.
34. 100% COMPLETE! Have the tax office remain open an additional 2 hours later (until 
7:00pm) on the last days of collection in April, September and January. -Tax office open till 7 PM on l/3l/0l
35. 100% COMPLETE! Hold the auction of foreclosed properties in the early part of the 
year. (The number of available properties has been reduced from 352 to 29.) - September l2th is the auction date. The auction date was delayed due
to the fact that we were able to reduce the number of properties to be

36. 100% COMPLETE! Complete Phase I of Fairview Pool renovation. Begin Phase II from 
Capital Plan. Swim program continues to solidify cross-racial participation 
in Community Center programs. - phase one completion date is estimated for June.
37. 50% COMPLETE! Establish additional job training initiatives and entrepreneurial 
programs. - in house home busying seminar, banking seminar, right to know seminar, crossroads entrepreneurial initiatives - expanded entrepreneurial program in crossroads program
38. 100% COMPLETE! Develop lobbying initiative to persuade federal government to issue 
more Section 8 certificates for those needing affordable housing. Meeting 2/l3 at Town Hall with Acting Administrator of Section 8 program
and regional housing leaders to discuss need for more certificates - In July the Housing Authority received an additional 30 section 8
certificates. The lst increase in the number of section 8 certificates
the town received in about a decade.
39. 50% COMPLETE! Receive status reports from the Director regarding the feasibility of 
implementing recommendations in the November 2000 Rubinger Associates study 
titled "Comprehensive Review of Operations & Structure of Programs-Findings & 
Recommendations." - Deputy Comptroller working with Community Center in reviewing
recommendations and developing implementation program
40. 90% COMPLETE! Expand opportunities for Senior Programming at the Community Center: 
computer literacy; inclusion of seniors with limited income in all programs; 
establish collaborative efforts with other organizations working with 
seniors; intergenerational programs; upgrade service skills for staff working 
with seniors; establish formal feedback system from seniors in evaluation of 
program services (scope of satisfaction). - received $ from Senior net. bought more computers. networking
programs with senior homes have taken place. - Formal feedback system being developed. Everything else is
41. 100% COMPLETE! Review existing program attendance. Solicit input regarding 
potential programs that may result in greater participation. - On June 26th received cost analysis of youth activities at community
center (#of registrants, fee per session, total revenue, personnel

42. 100% COMPLETE! Complete installation of a new walkway and staircase to improve 
access by the disabled. - completed
43. 100% COMPLETE! Offer a Tai-Chi class on the patio - Tai Chi class on the patio began May 4th.
44. 100% COMPLETE! Complete landscaping, including specimen plantings, water movement 
and nightscape lighting. - Completed August, 2001.
45. 100% COMPLETE! Expand opportunities for Senior Programming at the Multipurpose 
Center: computer literacy; inclusion of seniors with limited income in all 
programs; establish collaborative efforts with other organizations working 
with seniors; intergenerational programs; upgrade service skills for staff 
working with seniors; establish formal feedback system from seniors in 
evaluation of program services (scope of satisfaction). - Established Senior Advisory Committee to address concerns within
the new center. Committee assists with programming ideas for seniors.
Have established a monthly visit by nutritionist working for the county
to meet with seniors for private consultations. Established a monthly
visit by a podiastrist to consult with seniors. Revised the Senior
Highlights newsletter with the Department of Community Resources to
better serve the elder population.
46.100% COMPLETE! Review existing program attendance. Solicit input regarding 
potential programs that may result in greater participation by seniors. - Received on June 26th detailed analysis of # of participants in each 
program at Theodore Young community Center and cost per program

47.100% COMPLETE! Facilitate construction of a handicapped-accessible walkway to the 
main entrance of the Manor House. Expect walkway to be completed by end of May.

48. 75% COMPLETE! Prepare a pamphlet describing the right of citizens when interacting 
with the police in certain specific instances (i.e. car stops, street stops, 
a person's home, etc). These pamphlets will be distributed to young people 
through school, the community center and other departments and agencies that 
hold programs for teenagers. - pamphlet prepared. Developing distribution procedure.
49. 100% COMPLETE! Complete the 2nd phase of the 1999 goal, which is the implementation 
of a 7th Patrol Sector. (Accomplished l/29/0l This should reduce response time)
50.100% COMPLETE! Expand helmet law to require those riding scooters to wear helmets. - county law signed by county executive in May 

51. NOT COMPLETE 0% Organize lobbying effort to persuade state legislature to grant town 
home rule request to hold referendum on campaign finance reform at local 
52. NOT COMPLETE 0% Complete review of Greenburgh Campaign Finance Commission's 
recommendations and provide quarterly reports of initiatives being taken on 
campaign finance reforms.
53.100% COMPLETE! Establish Town Board liaison with Greenburgh Campaign Finance 
Commission. Commission to consider implementation and possible modifications. Councilmember Steve Bass appointed as liaison with Campaign Finance
Commission (see April llth Town Board agenda)
54.40% COMPLETE! Adopt local campaign finance reform measures.Town Board approved resolution authorizing implementation of fair
cable TV procedures for candidates at August 22nd meeting: continuous
airings of candidates statements for 3 weekends prior to the primary and
general election...town cable TV coordinator to tape l5 minute segments
at no cost to candidates...statements to air on weekdays as well...those
not involved in primaries get = time for 3 weeks after primary.
55. 100% COMPLETE! Form a 3 member committee to develop rules and procedures governing
cable TV use by candidates running for every town office so that no
candidate has an unfair advantage (re: number of programs, time programs - developed a different system -candidates replaced 3 member

56. 100% COMPLETE! Obtain a hybrid car to set an example of the need for fuel efficiency. - town ordered our first hybrid vehicle for water department in late May.
57. 100% COMPLETE! Develop training opportunities for Parks Department and Community 
Center staff working with children/adolescents to include child abuse 
recognition, crisis intervention, and conflict resolution. - Incorporated in training programs. Staff attends seminars which
include NY state conference, Playground Certification Program, Ballfield
Maintenance, NRPA Parks Maintenance Schools.
58. 70% COMPLETE!Orient department personnel with purchasing methods, procedures and 
cost saving ideas using a training manual. - on l2/l2 town board agenda
59. 100% COMPLETE! Reduce purchase quantities within large departments by combining 
orders from different department branches. - total volume of purchasing department reduced by 4%. Had been as
much as 6% before 9/ll tragedy
60. 90% COMPLETE! Complete computer needs assessments and determine adequacy of 
maintenance and operational support. - REPORT IN DRAFT

61. 100% COMPLETE! Link Department of Public Works to the GIS. - done
62. 100% COMPLETE! Link Department of Community Development and Planning to the GIS. - COMPLETE
63. 0% NOT COMPLETE!Link the town's villages to the GIS. Tarrytown linked - We achieved l00% of what we could have accomplished. We gave
villages software to be able to link to GIS. Telephone lines a problem
64. 100% COMPLETE! Enhance the current GIS by adding recommended additional point and 
click features.
65.100% COMPLETE! Develop protocol enabling secure payments via the Internet or by 
telephone so residents may more conveniently pay property taxes and requested 
town services; select firm and sign contract for payment service to be 
implemented in or before 2002. - Town Board approves agreement so residents can pay taxes via the 
internet. (June l3)
66.100% COMPLETE! Instruct Building Department personnel on how to assist the public 
using the GIS system. Being implemented, have instructed title search companies.

67. NOT COMPLETE 0% Make final decision regarding new town hall/library.
68. 25% COMPLETE! Conduct interviews and sign contract with architect. - hired WASA to conduct feasibility study for site selection
69. 25% COMPLETE! Develop plan so new Town Hall will have model energy efficiency and 
environmentally sensitive features. - Met with energy efficient experts- working to ensure that new
facility has solar energy features
70. 25% COMPLETE! Ensure space allocation plans for new Town Hall/Library have adequate 
facilities for childcare. - Committed to having childcare programs at new facility. Met
with child care advocates
71. 100% COMPLETE! Explore feasibility of renting unused space in new Town Hall/Library 
to partly offset cost. - not applicable anymore since there will be no unused space in
new town hall/library 
72. 0% NOT COMPLETED Develop plan for sale of existing Town Hall/Library. Conduct 
outreach of neighboring communities to determine acceptable uses.
73. 95% COMPLETE! Obtain cybermobile. - order..built..funding obtained. Estimated delivery: January 3lst

74. 100% COMPLETE! Continue lobbying effort of NYS to provide its share of funding to 
finalize acquisition of Glenville Woods - parkland. - 2/l/0l Governor Pataki attended press conference at Glenville
Woods to announce that state will provide $400,000 towards Glenville
Woods acquisition. OSI and the town of Greenburgh to contribute $833,333
each, Westchester to contribute $400,000.
75. 100% COMPLETE! Continue to monitor Tappan Zee Bridge replacement/repair study 
activity and work with community groups to ensure their voices are heard. Participating in community meetings.--Greenburgh Town Board unanimously approved resolution at April 25th Town 
Board meeting joining coalition of localities that will retain services of 
outside consultant to review Thruway Authority's environmental statements
76. 100% COMPLETE! Work with Greenburgh Animal Wardens and local wildlife rehabilitators 
to provide improved care of injured wildlife.
77. 80% COMPLETE! Finalize the Westhelp transition and develop plan for use of property. - worked out framework for tentative agreement with Neighborhood
Association, Valhalla School District and County re: distribution of
rent to the town and school district after WESTHELP's lease expires.
County decision to build additional GRASSLANDS homeless facility
resulted in negotiations continuing. County Executive indicated that if
neighborhood association does not support continuation of WESTHELP he
will turn over WESTHELP to town for senior programs. 
78. 100% COMPLETE! snow angel--set up a dedicated phone line that would provide residents - dedicated phone: 693 8985 xl34
with information about snow angel/shoveling services
79. 100% COMPLETE! oversee implementation of shopping cart ordinance - Pathmark placed underground fence at shopping center, reducing number of 
carts needed. Police have confiscated over l00 shopping carts as of 2/28overseeing implementation--which is progressing as we had hoped.
80.100% COMPLETE! develop phone/fax/e mail of all town departments as a dedicated
directory for the public. Post information on the town internet site - posted on towns web site

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