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Beautification Committee formed...
Release Date: November 14, 2005


            I am pleased to advise you that a new Town-Wide Beautification Committee is being established. Barbra Alleyne will chair the committee. We had our first meeting recently. The committee asked me to write to each of the civic associations with the following request:


            Please identify priorities for beautification in your neighborhood. Are there gateways to your neighborhood that could  be enhanced if the town and a beautification committee planted flowers, trees, bushes  at the location?            Are there any islands in your community that need enhancement/beautification?


            Please provide me with names, e mails and contact information – a point person who can serve as our liaison.   And, who will help organize the community.  If you are not a member of a civic association but would like to get involved in the committee, please advise me by emailing me at pfeiner@greenburghny.com.


            After I receive your response I will  ask Mike Nestler to come up with a budget (seed money for plantings and maintenance).




T Barbara Alleyne, chair—Greenburgh Beautification Committee

     c/o Paul Feiner


Our association would like to participate in the Greenburgh Beautification Committee project.


These are areas in our neighborhood that need to be identified for prioritization______________________


Name of liaison from civic association who can work with the Beautification Committee



E mail







My name__________________________

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