Welcome to the Town of Greenburgh
Parks & Recreation  
Programs - Registration Information  

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THE TOWN UNICARD (PHOTO I.D.) This card is necessary for all programs.

What is a Town Unicard?
A Town Unicard is a town wide photo ID, to be used for all Parks and Recreation and Department of Community Resources programs including membership for pools, tennis and facility related activities.
A. Town Unicards and memberships can be renewed by mail at anytime. Allow two (2) weeks for processing.
B. Expiration date of each Town Unicard and membership is one year from the date if issuance (e.g., 08/05/02 expires on 08/05/03)
The Parks and Recreation Registration Office will be open:
  1. January 2 through May 16
                   Mon. thru Fri.*                        10:00am – 4:00pm
                   *Wed. 2/5 – 5/14                    10:00am – 7:00pm  
  2. May 17 through September 1
                   Sun. - Sat.                               10:00am – 4:00pm
  3. September 2 through December 31
                   Mon., Tue., Thu. & Fri.           10:00am -4:00pm  
                   Wed.                                       10:00am -7:00pm (after 11/6 10am-4pm)
    The Registration Office is closed on Town Holidays
·        Complete the appropriate registration form located on page.
·        Submit full payment by check, money order, Visa or MasterCard. Write a separate check for each activity. Cash will not be accepted.
·        Mail or drop off your registration form with payment to Greenburgh Parks and Recreation,
11 Olympic Lane, Ardsley, NY 10502. Please print "REGISTRATION" on the outside of the envelope. (click for directions)
·        Be certain to copy program codes correctly.
·        Full refunds will be issued for any program cancelled by the Parks and Recreation Department.
·        Full refunds for a medical reason before the program begins will be issued when accompanied by a doctor’s note. After the program begins, a pro-rated refund will be issued based on the number of sessions attended when accompanied by a doctor’s note.
·        The department will grant refund requests for programs only if received at least three business days before the program’s first session.
·        The department will grant refund requests for clinics and camps only if received at least ten business days before the program’s first session.
·        Refunds for trips will not be granted unless the spot can be filled from the waiting list.
·        Ten dollars ($10) or ten percent (10%), whichever is higher, of the fee will be charged for processing refunds that are approved.
RETURNED CHECKS:There will be a $25.00 service charge for any check returned. Your I.D. will be mechanically invalidated upon receipt of a returned check. A certified check or money order must replace a returned check.
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: It is the policy of the Town of Greenburgh that no individual shall be denied participation in a Parks and Recreation Program because of an inability to make full payment. Financial Assistance information is available at the Parks and Recreation Registration Office.
1.   A driver's license AND any of the following items that must indicate a current date:
      a) car registration,
      b)      household bill, i.e., Con Ed., telephone, or cable,
      c) oil or furniture delivery receipt,
      d) social security check with address,
      e)      retirement check with address,
      f) social service voucher with address,  
      g)      Medicare/Medicaid card with address, or
2.      When no driver's license is produced a picture I.D. and TWOof the above suggested proofs are required.
3.      When a town resident has just moved into town, they need to present:
      a) photo I.D. and
      b) TWO of the following: notice to turn on Con Ed, telephone, cable, or notice from bank to transfer account address.
PLEASE NOTE: The Department reserves the right to request additional verification and to reject any proof it deems questionable. For junior Unicard and for youngsters included in family memberships, student I.D. or Birth Certificate may be requested.
·        Unicards are required for everyone 2 yrs. of age and older.
·        The fee for the first time issuance of a photo Town Unicard andannual renewal is $7.00; (youth ages 2-17 & seniors 60+); $18.00 (adult). Non-resident card fee is $36.00.
·        No temporary passes will be issued. Replacement of lost cards will be$7.00 per occurrence.
·        Staff reserves the right to ask patrons to produce their Unicard upon request. Residents are encouraged to make illegal Unicard holders known to the Recreation Department. No names will be revealed. We cannot guarantee that only residents are using Town facilities without your help.
·        NOTE:Any transaction $30.00 and over must be paid by check, money order or Visa/MasterCard.
What constitutes residency? A resident is a person who lives in the Town of Greenburgh Unincorporated Area. A person’s residency is a dwelling, abode or habitation for a continuance of time. NOTE: Owning property in Greenburgh does not necessarily qualify a person as a resident.

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