Irene Kanowitz, Chairperson
John Malone, Vice-Chairperson
Jeanie Bragaglia
Fred Campbell
Lorraine Cantori
Stephen Cowles
Lemuel Davis
Jon Flores
Marisa Goldberg
Robert Gramaglia
Trudy Holand
Dorrine Livson
Michael Marino
Marcia Presser
Carolyn Sheer
JohnPaul Sunkavalli
Michael Wolin
Eric Zinger
Diana Juettner, Town Board Liaison
The Parks & Recreation Advisory Board meets the first Wednesday each month
at 7:45 pm at the Anthony F. Veteran Park Multipurpose Center,
11 Olympic Lane, Ardsley, NY.
There is no meeting held in the month of August and
occassionaly meeting dates are changed. Call 989-1803.