177 Hillside Avenue - 2nd floor
White Plains, NY 10607
Steven Fraietta, Building Inspector 914-989-1560
Anthony Zacarolli, Deputy Building Inspector/Plans Examiner 914-989-1560
Robert Dam, Assistant Building Inspector 914-989-1567
Oscar Jones, R.A., Assistant Building Inspector 914-989-1563
Fire Inspector, 914-989-1568
Jon Farrell, Housing Inspector 914-989-1565
Fred Divitto, Plumbing Inspector 914-989-1566
Vinny Giordano, Plumbing Inspector 914-989-1564
Adminstrative Office: 914-989-1560
Please call the individual inspectors to schedule an inspection
Have a question for the Building Inspector? Email
Looking for a permit application or form? Click here to jump to the docuemnt and forms section of the Town's Website
Mission Statement
The Building Department is committed to ensuring the quality of life of those who live, work and visit the Town of Greenburgh by ensuring compliance to both State and local regulations in the construction, use and occupancy of buildings.
Building Department Counter Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm
Permits are accepted Monday through Friday 10:00 am - 3:00pm
If you are looking for information on a property in the unicorporated Town of Greenburgh, please complete the search
request form and submit to the Building Department.
Below, please find information regarding permits and codes. The photographs and information displayed are in no way to be constured as a guideline for construction. Please contact the plans examiner Anthony Zacarolli with any questions regarding permitting or construction or 914-989-1560
Please refer to the Town of Greenburgh Town Code on the Main-page of the Town's Website for all Code infromation.
Swimming Pools/Spas and Hot Tubs
The Town of Greenburgh requires building permits for all swimming pools, hot tubs/spas (above and in-ground). All applicants must comply with both New York State and local regulations regarding the installation of the pool. Please review Section 285-36G of the Town of Greenburgh Zoning Ordinance below and New York State Code:
G. Swimming pools. Except as provided hereinafter, no swimming pool shall be located, constructed or maintained on any lot or land area, except in conformity with the following requirements:
(1) Said pool may be installed or maintained in any residential district or in any nonresidential district where specifically permitted.
(2) Said pool shall be used as an accessory use to a dwelling or group of dwellings or as part of the recreational facilities of a camp, club or similar use.
(3) When accessory to a single-family residence, such pool shall be located in a rear yard only.
(4) The portion of the premises upon which such pool is located shall be entirely surrounded and enclosed with a good quality security fence which shall have a height of not less than four feet, notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter. Said fence shall be of a type approved by the Building Inspector of the Town of Greenburgh. All enclosures shall have railings and posts within the enclosure which shall be capable of resisting a minimum lateral load of 150 pounds applied midway between the posts and at the top of the posts, respectively. Enclosure, fence material or fabric shall be capable of withstanding a concentrated lateral load of 50 pounds applied anywhere between supports on an area 12 inches square, without failure or permanent deformation. [Amended 4-12-2000 by L.L. No. 3-2000]
(5) Every gate or other opening in the fence enclosing such pool shall be self-closing and self-latching and shall be kept securely locked at all times when said pool is not in use. The latch handle on every gate shall be located within the enclosure and at least 40 inches above grade and shall be securely locked with a key, combination or other childproof lock sufficient to prevent access to the swimming pool through such gate when the swimming pool is not in use or supervised. [Amended 7-8-1987 by L.L. No. 3-1987; 4-12-2000 by L.L. No. 3-2000]
(6) Such pool shall be not located less than 15 feet from the side and rear lot lines. Any patio surrounding such pool shall not be located less than 10 feet from any lot line. Any deck surrounding such pool shall be subject to all the otherwise applicable yard requirements for buildings or structures, as applicable. There shall be no required setback between a pool and any building. [Amended 7-8-1987 by L.L. No. 3-1987]
(7) Such pool shall be chemically treated in a manner sufficient to maintain the bacterial standards established by the provisions of the New York State Sanitary Code relating to public swimming pools.
(8) No loudspeaker or amplifying device shall be permitted which can be heard beyond the lot lines of the lot on which said pool is located.
(9) No lighting or spotlighting shall be permitted which will project light rays beyond the lot lines of the lot on which said pool is located.
(10) Where the proposed pool is of such height or design that protective fencing is not required or is impractical, the Building Inspector may, at his discretion, issue a permit for the erection of said pool without such fencing. The Building Inspector shall, however, first make a finding to the effect that, in his opinion, said pool has protection from entry equivalent to that afforded by the erection of a fence as provided for in Subsection F(4) of this section.
(11) Such pool shall be equipped with an integral filtration system and filter pumps or other mechanical devices which shall be so located and constructed as not to interfere with the peace, comfort and repose of the occupant of any adjoining property.
(12) No permission shall be granted for the installation of any swimming pool unless the plans thereof meet the minimum Town of Greenburgh construction requirements. The plans shall show the method of disposal of filter backwash material and the method of draining the pool, and such methods and points of discharge shall be satisfactory to the Town of Greenburgh Department of Public Works and to the Westchester County Health Department, Division of Environmental Health Services.
(13) If unenclosed, the area of the swimming pool shall not be included within the limitations of percentage of coverage of land allowed for permitted accessory buildings.
(14) A wall of a dwelling is permitted to serve as part of the enclosure under the following conditions: [Added 4-12-2000 by L.L. No. 3-2000]
(a) Windows in the wall shall have a latching device at least 40 inches above the floor.
(b) A swimming door in the wall shall be self-closing and self-latching.
(c) A sliding door in the wall shall have a self-latching device.
(15) Where an aboveground pool has a deck which abuts or is adjacent to a dwelling and direct access to the deck is through the exterior wall of the dwelling, such access shall be in accordance with § 285-36G(14). [Added 4-12-2000 by L.L. No. 3-2000]
(16) Aboveground pools with at least 46 inches between pool decking or pool top and adjoining grade are exempt from the requirements of § 285-36G(5), (14) and (15), provided that their access ladder or steps can be blocked in an approved manner when not intended for use. [Added 4-12-2000 by L.L. No. 3-2000; amended 4-29-2003 by L.L. No. 3-2003]
Please visit New York State Code Division website the 2016 Unfirm Code Supplement and for State regulations on pools alarms, fences, etc.
Photograph of improperly constructed deck resulting in collapse
All decks (including those on grade) require a building permit for new construction, "in-kind" replacement or repair. Decks, if designed and installed incorrectly, can lead to collapse resulting in serious injury or death. This is why either a New York State licensed Architect or Engineer can prepare detailed drawings of proposed decks for plan examination submission.
Some helpful hints to those homeowners who already have an existing deck
- Replace weak supports and rusty fasteners
- Perform visual inspections of primary supports, fasteners and joist hangers annually and make repairs immediately
Photograph of siding installation
A Building Permit is required for commerical re-siding, and/or brickwork. NO PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ONE-TWO FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SIDING. NOTE: If the proposed re-siding requires the removal of any meters (electric, gas) an electrical or plumbing permit is required and the removal must be performed only by a by a Westchester county licensed tradesperson.
Photograph of kitchen remodel without permits
Remodeling a kitchen and/or bathroom (including the replacement of cabinets) requires a building permit and a sketch (to scale) of the kitchen layout showing applicances/fixture locations. Any electrical and plumbing work must be filed by a Westchester County licensed tradesperson.
If any structural alterations are proposed (removal and/or construction of walls, windows, doors, etc. ) architectual/engineered drawings are required.
A building permit is required for COMMERCIALroofing projects. RESIDENITAL projects only require a permit if new plywood is to be installed and/or structural work is required. Specifications on materials that are to be used (shingles, plywood, etc.) will need to be provided with the application.
If any structural members need to be repaired or replaced, a building permit is required with New York State licensed architectural or enineered drawings.
Please note that in residenital application, pursuant to New York State Code, a maximum of two layers of shingles is permitted on a roof.
Electrical work can only be performed by a Westchester County Licensed Electrician. An electrician can obtain a permit by filing: an electrical permit application, a copy of the electrician's Westchester County license, an application for New York Electrical Inspection Services or State Wide Inspection Services (SWIS). Fees are $15 per $1,000 and can be paid by check or credit card.
To check if your electrican is licensed, please visit the the Westchester County Town Clerk's website at
Plumbing work can only be performed by a Westchester County Licensed Plumber and a plumbing permit must be filed and approved by the Town of Greenburgh Building Department prior to commencement of work.
To check if your plumber is licensed to do work in Westchester County, please visit the Westchester County Clerk's website at
A crane permit is required for the use of a crane/hoistway on private property.
A building permit is required for re-paving, re-striping, new pavement, etc. for commercial parking areas. A layout prepared by a NYS licensed Design Professional is required to show compliance with New York State Accessibility.
To review the New York State Building Code, please click on the link below:
Hiring a Contractor/Design Professional
The Town is precluded from recommending contractors or design professionals, however, we urge residents to perform their due diligence in making selection. Below are some helpful links in making those decisions:
American Institute of Architects
Better Business Bureau:
Westchester County Home Improvement License Search
EPA Certified Lead Certfied Renovation Firms
The noise ordinance is enforced by the Greenburgh Police Department.
Please call 914-989-1700 to make a complaint
Construction noise
Mon-Fri 7:00 am - 8:00 pm
Sat. 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Gasoline Powered Engines
Mon-Fri 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Sat & Holidays 9:00am - 6:00pm
Sunday 11:00am - 6:00 pm
Cannot Exceed 75 dBA at any time
Operation of gasoline powered leaf and garden blowers in excess of 55 dBA is prohibited from
May 1st - October 1st.
(For the complete noise ordinance, please follow the link for Town Code and
go to Section 380 of the Town Code)
A key box (also known as a lock or "knox" box) is required pursuant to Section 506.1 of the 2015 ICC FIRE CODE if access to or within a structure or an area is restricted because of secured openings or where immediate access is necessary for life-saving or fire-fighting purposes, the fire code official is authorized to require a key box to be installed in an approved location. The key box shall be of an approved type listed in accordance with UL1037, and shall contain keys to gain necessary access as required by the fire code official. (Key boxes are not required in single and two-family dwellings)
You can contact your local fire department to obtain an application for a key box or you may go to the Knox Box website and order online if your fire department participates with the online ordering program with Knox.